- People matter. They constitute hope for the future. The generations of internet, nuclear equipment, genetic revolution, global warming, terrorism, aids, and other issues that stick to the global agenda for decades. The generations to fight Idiocracy.
- What you give is what you get. Effort equals growth.
- People do things without expectation of recognition.
- People understand concepts as Vision and Values. While some spin around them, like bees around flowers, others sit right on top of them. They get fed and thus function.
- Time and space shift values. They pour down the walls in cascades, like thousands "Persistence of Memories", snatched off their expensive frames.
- There are so many shapes and colors, not even Lijphart could compare and classify.
- Do at least the effort of understanding the past, while dealing with the present, and building for the future.
- Everything you are is everything you have. The distance between word and thought, thought and action. Not between the first and last last grade on your graduation sheet.
- Is comprised of experiences that lead to options. The more options people have, the more their lives are worth living.
- Intense finds no appropriate Superlative Form. Mistakes are Precious and Failures Successes. Ignorance is constrained to hide it's dirty face.
Some days ago I realized My world is a Conscious Choice.
I was talking to one of my former high school friends last night, and after displaying his ironic opinion on AIESEC, we were trying to set a date for catching up. When asked about it, I said:
"We could go out for a drink tomorrow". He patronizingly replied :
"Tomorrow night Bestival concerts start. One what world do you live in?"
1 comment:
Hi! Your post are very pertinent and astute. If more people would share your principles maybe the world would be more pleasant. And don't worry about your friend (maybe he was just scared of how smart you are)... I'll go out with you anytime :)
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