Monday, July 2, 2007

Latest Readings

I've finished reading The Collector , and I was immediately in love with it. The reading started pretty slow, because at the beginning I was not sure where it was going.

I like Fowles' style. Simply built: his and her personality and side of the story. Gradually drawing with words the collector type of character. Behaviors and reactions, from diary thoughts addressed to readers. The end was not surprising, but rather surprisingly sad. I thought she was somehow similar to me.

There was one quote that got stuck to my mind: " Only the fools underestimate the power of a water drop. They are, in the end, one and the same with the Ocean"

This could be either a optimistic, or a very sad thought. Today I incline towards the latter one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nu am nicio idee daca l-ai citit sau nu... incearca "magicianul"... acelasi incredibil fowles:)
"colectionarul" e abia volumul cu care a debutat... "magicianul" e mai copt, mai "labirintic", un test de personalitate si de fortza, un fel de botez, rit initiatic sau ce vrei tu.
just read it:P