Saturday, September 6, 2008

Latest Learnings

There has been a lot of time since I got a kick in the butt like that. It came due to Iashington, a great conference I truly recommend, and more precise from the sessions I attended on the Leadership track. It was a kick in the butt because it pushed me forward and it was exactly what I needed this period to understand myself.

I think the whole experience can be described by just one story. As I was coming home from the last session, I was thinking: "I needed this kind of event"...and also..."I wonder for how long I'll continue to feel so empowered and focused on the important things to me..I wonder when the next event will be.."

Then all of a sudden it struck me. " What am I thinking? That's not what I want. What I want is for everything to come from within me not from somewhere else. I can be the next Jim Bagnola, and I'm not talking about his public speaking skills, but about his ability to uplift himself and also the people around him. I want to be that type of person .."

It was so weird, because, For some time, I had things figured out. I had my own vision of the future, I knew what I wanted...but I was searching for external ways to get there. With all the leadership trainings and sessions I attended...with all the talks and the great people I have met during all these years...I guess I've never fully understood the importance of talking the walk instead of walking the talk.

Our continuous conscious choices for a better future don't start with huge things. they start with awareness to internal thoughts and their control. They start with deciding not to get upset, or changing a sentence in your mind, before you say it, so that it has a positive message, thus influencing a positive response.

This is it, I'm done with chasing for loads of changes in me. I only want to change this.'s not easy but it's really not that hard either.

Everything else will fall into place. I will have the impact I'm looking for in people's lives and society, I will bring positive change, I will make a difference.


Mircea said...

you say great words there Alex and this way of thinking makes the difference in life. At least now this is what keeps my life on the path to achieve what I am capable of.

alexandra said...

thank you! your example can only encourage me to go further.

Anonymous said...

hey..prima data cand am intrat pe acest blog si am citit "i'm nobody!Who are you? " ceea ce mi-a venit in minte was : multi dintre noi ne dorim sa fim perfecti, altii destepti, altii isi doresc sa devina atleti buni and so on ..then comes the part where..: parintii nostrii, prietenii nostrii isi doresc , ca noi sa fim intr-un fel sau altul si de cele mai multe ori, incercam sa fim o caracteristica ex : perfect , sau devenim ceea ce vor cei din jur sa fim , daca se mai intampla si acel self -reflection, ajungem sa vrem sa schimbam ceva la vrem schimbare...spre o alta caracteristica or something like that..unde vreau sa ajung este : atunci cand reusesti sa te deconectezi de la ceea ce vor altii ca tu sa fii, de la caracteristicile si nu numai , pe care vrei sa le obtii sau devii, ceea ce ramane este de fapt esenta TA, este naturaletea si este atat de frumos sa ramai conectat la tine fara sa schimbi nimic :)..but hey this is just an opinion , take care , Nico

alexandra said...

merci pt post, sunt intru totul de acord cu gandurile tale; titlul blogului vine de la o poezie de Emily Dickinson, una din scriitoarele mele preferate. E intr-un fel filosofia ei de viata si in general despre cei care se simt foarte importanti in raport cu ceilalti. Poezia are un umor fin si-am vrut sa numesc blogul asa pentru ca e un spatiu intim, in care vreau sa marchez momente reale si oneste. Look it up, sunt sigura ca ti-ar placea!

Anonymous said...

I already know her for quite while now, dar nu am recunoscut titlul..i guess i was thinking at something alse..It is something i would always read - her poems :)

" THE SOUL selects her own society, Then shuts the door;
On her divine majority
Obtrude no more.

Unmoved, she notes the chariot’s pausing,At her low gate;
Unmoved, an emperor is kneeling
Upon her mat.

I ’ve known her from an ample nation ,Choose one;
Then close the valves of her attention ,Like stone. "

Anonymous said...

Iti recomand si eu pe cineva , Cella Serghi..scrie superb :)
"aceasta povara dulce,tineretea."sau "amintire" , sunt 2 titluri care sigur o sa te incante mai ales pentru ea a marcat momente sincere si frumoase prin operele sale ..

alexandra said...

o s-o caut, merci!